- 你需要:一个要看的手掌和手相术基础知识。
- You will need : a palm to read and the basics of palmistry .
- 大多数专家同意相手术起源于印度,不过也许最轻易是和人们熟悉的游牧民族吉普赛人联系在一起。
- Most experts agree that palmistry started in india , but perhaps its most common association is with the nomadic people popularly known as gypsies .
- 他们大部分算命是看手相,后来则大部分使用普通的扑克牌。
- Most of their fortune-telling was through palmistry and later through the use of ordinary playing cards .
- 你是否曾用你的手掌看过相?
- Have you ever had your palm read ?
- 用手掌按压的时候手指的方向要稍稍冲着身体。
- Palm the rock with your fingers facing slightly towards your body .
- 而后一只手掌放在男孩的肚子上,再一次让他闭上眼睛。
- He then placed a palm on the boy 's belly , shut his eyes again .