- 他在德里区的一次讲话中引用了其中的片段,西默斯希尼后来赠与了他一本手抄本。
- He used an excerpt in a speech delivered in derry , and heaney later presented him with a handwritten copy .
- 他在德里区的一次讲话中引用了其中的片段,西默斯希尼后来赠与了他一本手抄本。
- He used an excerpt in a speech delivered in derry , and heaney later presented him with a handwritten copy .
- 作者应该用html写作,其所生成的手稿就能立即转变为电子书形式。
- Authors should write in html , making a manuscript immediately transformable to an e-book .
- 如果他不是在完成这部书稿之前去世,他或许能详细阐述更深。
- Had he not died before completing the manuscript , he may have elaborated further .
- 别等到被要求写书稿或是骇人的外部审查报告时才开始写作。
- Don 't wait for that book manuscript or that monster external-review report to work on your writing .
- 奥古斯丁的写作时期是四世纪末,当时手抄本已在很大程度上取代了卷轴成为当时最普遍的阅读材料。
- Augustine was writing at the end of the fourth century , when the codex had largely superseded the scroll as the most prevalent form of reading material .
- 在顺利、有效地发挥其职责的过程中,共同体与来自国际粮农组织、国际贸易中心、联合国贸易与发展会议,亚太经济与社会委员会、食品法典委员会及联合国国际标准组织及其他的国际和地区组织的专家进行商讨并寻求帮助。
- In carrying out its functions smoothly and effectively , the community consults and seeks assistance from these experts , in food and agriculture organization ( fao ) , international trade centre ( itc ) , unctad , escap , codex alimentarius commission , international standards organization of the united nations and other international and regional agencies .
- 在官方wordpresscodex页面阅读更多关于add_action函数。
- Read more about add_action function at the official wordpress codex page .