- 她写的是回忆录,不是操作手册。
- She wrote a memoir , not a manual .
- 我们希望这本手册将简化您编写质保书的工作。
- We hope this manual will simplify your task as a warranty writer .
- 他们有着中等职位的工作,也许在零售业或者自营手工生意。
- They have jobs of middling status , perhaps in retail or self-employed manual trades .
- 同时,黄浦区劳动就业政策也十分有利于简单手工操作与低附加值的劳动力密集型工业发展。
- In addition , the labor and employment policies of huangpu district are designed to benefit labor-intensive industries of handwork and low added value .
- 动手能力强,具备管理他人的能力;
- Strong at handwork practicing and with management skill .
- 数码技术会取代手工吗?
- Will the digital technologies replace handwork ?
- 手工制造的寿司写给说有热爱寿司的人一个惊喜。
- Handmade sushi slippers make a cool gift for anyone who loves sushi .
- 想要用你自己的手工枫糖浆来震撼你的朋友们吗?
- Want to impress your friends with your very own handmade maple syrup ?
- 当地印第安人在这座宫殿门前出售珠宝和其他手工制品。
- Local indians sell jewelry and other handmade goods along the front of the building .
- 在炉火上手工箍制的桶。
- Hooped by hand at the forge 's fire .
- 人们用手挖井,但他们挖到的是岩石。
- People are digging wells by hand but they hit rock .
- 他亲手制作了这个雕像。
- He made this sculpture by hand .