- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?
- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?
- 但是原则上,有证书的藏豆赌博游戏能用于截取名义上安全的数据。
- But shell games with certificates can , in principle , be used to intercept nominally secure data .
- 法国新内阁成员已接到通知,要求他们停止使用黑莓手机(blackberry),原因是担心美国可能截取国家机密。
- Members of the new french cabinet have been told to stop using their blackberries because of fears that the us could intercept state secrets .
- 因为该系统不生成数据库,phorm已得到了包括隐私国际在内的一些团体的认可,但其他一些如epic这样的团体首先仍质疑其截取数据的权力。
- Because it is not creating a database , phorm has received approval from groups including privacy international , although others such as epic still question its right to intercept data in the first place .
- 其后对衍生市场的改进使得银行更容易切断和深陷麻烦的订约方的关系。
- Improvements to derivatives markets since then have made it easier for banks to sever ties to a troubled counterparty .
- 有个很悲剧的事实是,许多成年孩子离开家后,都断绝了与他们家庭的所有关系。
- It 's a sad fact that many adult children leave home and then sever all ties to their family .
- 葬礼结束后,乔治的妻子让我们一个共同的朋友与我断绝来往;我相信她发现了我们之间的事了。
- After the funeral , gregory 's wife asked a mutual friend to sever all contact with me ; I believe she discovered our affair .
- 这是一个月的大概长度。
- This is the approximate length of a month .
- 保龄球馆里奇怪地人迹寥寥,球道长得令人目眩。
- The alley is strangely underpopulated its lanes vertiginous in length .
- 哎,我只得到了一个5字符长的π文片段。
- Alas , I only found a pilish fragment of length 5 .
- 离他们头上仅几寸高,悬着一大块水泥板。
- A large chunk of concrete loomed inches above their heads .
- 比如,每个家庭预算中的一大块都花在住房上。
- Everyone devotes a huge chunk of their budget to housing , for example .
- 技术行业职位业占了我们首选职业选择的一大块。
- Technology positions also account for a good chunk of our top-choice careers .
- 另一个房间里,一个接受足部截肢手术的人疼得蜷缩起来,他截肢的原因是脚上的枪伤感染。
- In another room , a man is doubled over in pain as doctors amputate part of his foot after a gunshot wound became infected there .
- 如果我们不截去坏死的残肢,感染会蔓延。
- If we don 't amputate the infection may spread .
- 他们在突尼斯截掉了它.
- They had to amputate it back in tunisia .
- 通常的叶片基部截形或稍心形。
- Leaf blade base usually truncate or slightly cordate .
- 叶片心形的到截形的基部。
- Base of leaf blade cordate to truncate .
- 例如,如果指定3,则表示在小数点右侧第三位后将项截断。
- For example , specify three to truncate the item after the third digit the right of the decimal .