- 国家报网站引述阿利坎特市政府官员的话报导,这四个爱开玩笑的人轮流跳到车辆前,迫使驾驶人突然转向或猛然煞车,置他们与其他车辆於险境。
- The four jokers took turns to leap in front of cars , forcing the drivers to swerve or brake sharply and putting themselves and other vehicles in danger , town hall officials in alicante were quoted as saying on the el pais web site .
- 今天,西班牙报刊《elpais》报道说,几艘在塞舌尔群岛附近工作的西班牙拖网渔船已经雇佣了退役英军士兵作武装保镖。
- The spanish newspaper el pais reported today that several spanish trawlers working near the seychelles were employing former british soldiers as armed guards .
- 西班牙《国家报》报道说起飞过程中俩个发动机中其中一个坏了,可能起了火。
- The spanish newspaper el pais said one of the two engines failed and may have caught fire during takeoff .