- 朱蒂.史密斯喜欢钥匙环。
- Judy smith likes the key ring .
- 钱会买到戒指,但不是婚姻。
- A ring but not a marriage .
- 我的主人巴萨尼奥也将戒指送人了。
- My lord bassanio gave his ring away .
- 但是一些登山家并没有放弃。
- But some mountaineers do not give up .
- 这仿佛给他捎来飞鸿,让他不要放弃这一切。
- It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up .
- 可能,偶尔抽一支,戒起烟来也容易一点。
- It may be easier too to give up though not much .
- 一家药品公司将放弃初期研究。
- A drugs company will drop early-stage research .
- 只要在牛奶里加入一滴就行了。
- Just mix one drop of it with milk .
- 明年的增长可能会降低到1%以下。
- Growth could drop below 1 % next year .
- 而且越来越多的英语老师劝告自己的学生用诗歌表达他们自己。
- And many more english teachers exhort their students to express themselves in a poem .
- 卡梅隆先生则意识到必须要两者兼顾,故给了希尔顿足够的自由来规劝人民、宣讲福音。
- Mr cameron realised both were required , which is why he gave mr hilton the freedom to exhort and evangelise .
- 通过与饭馆和购物中心内的美食城建立伙伴关系,政府计划劝告支持者“把它说清楚”:贴出海报,列举“新”式英语的例子,将其划掉,配以它们相应的英语意思。
- Through partnerships with restaurants and shopping center food courts , the government plans to exhort patrons to " get it right " with posters showing examples of singlish phrases crossed out and their equivalent meaning in english .
- 在这些方面,法国人和英国人可能会支持巴勒斯坦人,而德国政府可能会投弃权票。
- On these terms , france and britain might be able to support the palestinians , and the german government could abstain .
- 法国可能仍会支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国的成员国,德国必将拥护以色列,英国可能会投弃权票。
- France may yet support palestinian membership of the un ; the germans will surely champion israel ; the british will probably abstain .
- 复星集团在财务备案资料中强调了它与证大的关联,并声称它所持证大股份准备在证大其他股东对这次交易进行表决时弃权。
- In its financial filings , fosun highlighted its links to zendai and said its interests intend to abstain when other zendai shareholders vote on the deal .
- 我可以毫无问题的放弃吃东西这件事儿,但是食物是一种我们为了生存而消耗的东西。
- I could abstain from eating without any problem but food is something we have to consume to survive .
- 这可能要求政策制定者放弃不合大众的改革,兵器而希望央行能制定更多的货币适应性调节的政策。
- It may be appealing to policymakers to abstain from unpopular reforms and hope for more monetary accommodation from central banks .
- 人在服用抗生类药物时应该戒酒。
- Patients should abstain from alcohol while taking antibiotics .