- 这表明了,电影业界应该停止在这些昂贵的狮子上面投钱,而是把注下在那群新鲜的羔羊们身上。
- Which suggests that the industry should stop paying for the pricey lions and place their bets on a flock of fresh lambs .
- 虽然日本的总体出生率在下降,东京的人口也在2004年到达顶峰,但来自日本各地的人们为了找到好工作仍然蜂拥向人满为患的首都。
- Although japan 's overall birthrate is dropping and tokyo 's population peaked in 2004 , people from across japan still flock to the capital in search of good jobs .
- 行业分析家以及公司高管表示这一趋势非常可能是永久的,而大批消费者蜂拥选择具有加热皮座椅、网络接入和声控娱乐设备系统等各种特色的小型车。
- Industry analysts and company executives say the shift is likely a permanent one , as consumers flock to small cars packed with features like heated leather seats , internet access and voice-activated entertainment systems .
- 广告商正涌入微博,邀请名人推广他们的产品、分发优惠券或散布促销活动。
- Advertisers are flocking to microblogs , asking celebrities to promote their products or distributing coupons or promotions .
- 游客们正聚集起来,观看旧金山动物园里一场不寻常的三角恋中的角色。
- Visitors are flocking to see the characters in an unusual menage a trois at san francisco zoo .
- 来自监管机构的员工也在成群结队地参加技术性课程。
- Staff from regulatory bodies are also among those flocking to technical courses .