- 有鉴于此,我们急切需要您的帮助,恳求您保护我们的产品和公司的利益,使我们的大量心血不付诸东流。
- With this in mind , we are in desperate need of some assistance and we beseech you to help us to protect our product and our shareware company , both of which we have put thousands upon thousands of hours of work into .
- 有鉴于此,我们急切需要您的帮助,恳求您保护我们的产品和公司的利益,使我们的大量心血不付诸东流。
- With this in mind , we are in desperate need of some assistance and we beseech you to help us to protect our product and our shareware company , both of which we have put thousands upon thousands of hours of work into .
- 世上的剧本千千万,但真正成功被拍摄成电影的却是少数。
- There are thousands upon thousands of screenplays out there and yet only a small percentage of them actually turn into successful , or produced , films .