- 事实证明,松散的协议不足以阻止鲁莽的行为。
- Loose agreements have not proved strong enough to stop reckless behaviour .
- 很多业内人士承认小额信贷的疯狂发展刺激公司把钱轻率地借给穷人。
- Many in the industry admit that runaway growth spurred reckless lending to poor indians .
- 疾病之二是银行正面临的持续困难这是轻率借贷和糟糕投资判断的后果。
- Another ill is the continuing difficulty faced by banks as a consequence of reckless lending and poor investment judgment .
- 这是一个大胆的(或许有勇无谋的)反应。
- It was a bold , perhaps foolhardy , reaction .
- 由于公路以及可靠信息的缺失,只有有勇无谋的人才会在这片陆地上远行。
- In the absence of roads or reliable information only the foolhardy travel far overland .
- 对于某些投资者和华尔街分析师而言,雅虎拒绝微软的收购看上去有勇无谋。
- Yahoo 's resistance to a takeover by microsoft looks foolhardy to some investors and wall street analysts .
- 而做批发市场只是单纯的提高量而已,做不了长久,且利润越发低下,特别是如今的原材料上昂的厉害,更是激发他们对专卖店的盲目憧憬。
- And the volume of wholesale market simply improving , can 't do long and low profit more , especially now on the raw materials of ngong badly , but also inspire them blind vision of the store .
- 对于kisames村庄(位于恩贡山,距离首都奈洛比南部一个小时的车程)的孩子们,这是第一次见到电影荧幕。
- For the children of the village of kisames , in the ngong hills , an hour 's drive south of nairobi , the capital , this was the first sight of a screen .
- 大屿山昂坪。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。
- Ngong ping on lantau island . The location of the project is shown in figure 1 of this permit .