- 我自己最好的工作都是在我无知的时候完成的。
- My own best work was done when I was most ignorant .
- 只消有一对乡下夫妇留下,那你就有可能投胎成为他们粗鄙愚昧的孩子。
- If just one hillbilly couple stayed behind , you could become their filthy , ignorant baby .
- 彼得会说,这种称呼根本无法激发起无知的平民百姓对那些实实在在的外星人的好奇心。
- That sort of thing removed the wonder of the truly alien for an ignorant populace , peter would say .
- 混乱的布置是问题所在。
- The problem is the muddled arrangement .
- 但这传递了混乱的信息。
- But the message was muddled .
- 医保是一个巨大而混乱需要规范的产业。
- Health care is a huge muddled industry in need of regulation .
- 现代日本唯一一个可以从18岁之前成为半玉,开始学徒生涯的城市是京都。
- The only modern hangyoku that can apprentice before the age of eighteen are in kyoto .
- 杜自今年早些时候从学校辍学后就一直工作在车库当学徒。
- Du had been working in the garage as an apprentice after dropping out of school earlier this year .
- 但是这位学徒的时间即将耗尽不仅仅是因为对其母亲健康的担忧。
- But the apprentice 's time is running short-and not just because of the worries about his mother 's health .