- 经济不景气十分严重,而通胀压力很可能会维持在较低水平。
- Slack in the economy is high and inflationary pressures are likely to stay low .
- 一些研究认为,在经济不景气的情况下,更多的宽带意味着更多的就业。
- Several studies conclude that , in slack economies , more broadband means more jobs .
- 但是即使这些预期得到很好的稳定,也不足以解释为什么通货膨胀没有对经济萧条做出更多反应。
- But even if they remain well anchored , expectations alone do not explain why inflation does not respond more to economic slack .
- 复苏仍然将是脆弱而缓慢的。
- The recovery will still be fragile and sluggish .
- 采取行动比坐在那目光呆滞或者行动迟缓就是好很多。
- It simply feels better to take action than sitting around navel-gazing and getting sluggish .
- 复苏仍旧迟缓,但是比较起其他经济体来说已经很不错了。
- The recovery remains sluggish , but compares well with those of other economies .
- 没有问你是我的疏忽。
- It was remiss of me not to ask you .
- 他一时疏忽忘记回信了。
- It was remiss of him not to reply .
- 他竟忘了她的生日,实在是糊涂。
- It was remiss of him to forget her birthday .