- 显然,与讨厌削减支出相比,选民更憎恶增加税收。
- Voters evidently dislike tax increases much more than they abhor spending cuts .
- 如果你属于性格温和的人,那么你可能对武器持厌恶的态度。
- If you have a gentle nature , though , you probably abhor firearms .
- 当然,具有讽刺意味的是,siegel先生也曾披着匿名这一面纱,利用他一直憎恶的同一方式进行了人生攻击和自我吹嘘。
- The irony , of course , is that mr siegel , once covered by the veil of anonymity , adopted the same tactics he claimed to abhor , resorting to personal attacks ( and personal aggrandisement ) .
- 但自豪的当地人讨厌理查德。
- But the proud locals loathe richard .
- 魔化基督徒的逊尼派穆斯林厌恶什叶派。
- Sunni muslims who demonise christians loathe shias .
- 与伦敦的金融服务监管局,他们更加讨厌布鲁塞尔,因为那里的规则更多。
- They loathe brussels more than london 's financial services authority largely because it creates more rules .
- 所有教师都憎恶考试作弊。
- All the teachers abominate cheating in examinations .
- 在维里蒂的翻译中,阿喀琉斯的上述怒骂变得非常一本正经“他的礼物可憎可厌,他于我不过一根木刺”。
- In mr verity 's translation , achilles 's outburst above becomes the prim " I abominate his gifts , and I value him no more than a splinter . "
- 虚伪是我憎恨厌恶的,你的律法却是我所爱的。
- Falsehood I have hated , yea I abominate [ it ] , thy law I have loved .