- 无论如何,本笃认为经济危机的根源在于邪恶。
- In any case , benedict finds the roots of the economic crisis in wickedness .
- 我们这个时代的洛丽塔被定义为引诱成年人沦于邪恶并逾越道德及法律准则的故意性挑衅者。
- The lolitas of our time are defined as deliberate sexual provocateurs , luring adults into wickedness and transgressing moral and legal codes .
- 这只意味着,国内或公共冲突很少是简单的善与恶问题,所有社团都会出现能够做出邪恶和犯罪行为的人。
- It means only that national or communal conflicts are seldom a matter of clear-cut virtue against vice , and that all communities produce men capable of wickedness and crime .
- 阴天和雾天时,整个天空会变成一个非常广的光源,一个天然的柔光箱。
- On overcast or foggy days the entire sky in effect becomes a single very broad light source-nature 's softbox .
- 直到现在,家庭和办公室内部的亮度也只是阴天室外亮度的十分之一,显然还有很大的提升空间。
- Even now , the interiors of homes and workplaces are typically lit at only a tenth of the brightness of the outdoors on an overcast day , so there is plenty of room for improvement .
- 不过,能源生产公司说,太阳能和风能都无法担当重任,因为阴天或无风天气可能会出现电力短缺。
- Companies that generate power , however , say neither can be relied upon in a major way because of potential electricity shortages on overcast or still days .
- 这头黑色的野兽叫做killer。
- Name of this black beast is killer .
- 电子邮件好像解放了他们内心的野兽。
- E-mail seemed to unleash their inner beast .
- 对人对兽,我们尚心惊胆战。
- We have to dread from man or beast .
- 小倪出生后,从没长过头发,懂事后,感到自卑。
- Small ni after birth , had long hair , sensible , feel inferior .
- 当别的女同学匆忙赶到时,小倪已经坐在教室读过几遍课文了。
- When the other girls hurried , small ni have been sitting in the classroom to read the text many times .
- 倪和她丈夫不想冒险一起外出因为担心她们返回时会发现她们仅有的财产散落在大街上。
- Ni and her husband do not dare go out together for fear they might return to find their few belongings on the street .