- 韩国的官员称,本次火箭的发射时间距离金正恩热爱火箭的父亲金正日的一周年忌日不到一周,目的可能在于巩固小金的统治派系,并且强化小金在被压迫臣民中的威望。
- The timing , less than a week before the first anniversary of the death of his rocket-loving father , kim jong il , appeared to be aimed primarily at solidifying the young mr kim 's leadership clique as well as bolstering his popularity among his oppressed subjects , south korean officials said .
- 一个处处为女儿设想的慈父竟是一个丧尽天良、残暴不仁的人物。
- Everywhere as the daughter of a loving father was actually envisaged a conscienceless , cruel and inhuman character .
- 虽然现年59岁的唐英年尚未正式宣布参选特首,但这则最新消息可能会损害他作为慈父和忠诚顾家男人的形象。
- Though mr. tang , 59 years old , has yet to formally announce his candidacy for chief executive , the latest news may dent his image as a loving father and devoted family man .