- 你直面过你的愤怒吗?
- Have you faced your anger ?
- 正义的怒火无法融化信贷市场的坚冰。
- Righteous anger will not thaw credit markets .
- 李朝杰的怒火一下子被浇灭了。
- Li zhaojie 's anger at being extinguished .
- 愤怒几乎成了国民义务。
- Indignation is almost the national obligation .
- 他反问道,几近带着愤慨。
- He asks nearly bursting with indignation .
- 我对此表示怀疑,我的葡萄牙女性朋友更是愤怒地大喊大叫。
- I was skeptical of the claim , but my portuguese lady friend howled with indignation .
- 这一举动正激起人们的怨恨。
- And that is stirring up resentment .
- 民众对贾迈勒及其新的做事方法的愤恨开始增加。
- Resentment grew against gamal and his new ways of doing things .
- 不过,谷歌这种非同小可的力量也激起了愤恨和不安。
- But google 's considerable power also stirs resentment and unease .
- 我认为首先要做的就是要产生对这些文化价值观和带有性别歧视的形象更加强烈的愤慨。
- I think the first thing is to become much more indignant about these cultural values and sexist imagery .
- 尤其是,那些极左派的候选人,即同那四个响亮的大名一样享有法律意义上平等的电视宣传时间的候选人们,更加愤慨。
- In particular , the hard-left candidates , now enjoying by law equal air-time with the four bigger names , have been indignant .
- 不过,对于在伦敦的学生普雷蒂来说,维罗尼卡贝卢斯科尼愤怒的来信,意味着一种变化开始涌动。
- But for preti , the student in london , veronica berlusconi 's indignant letter signified a stirring of change .