- 这笔钱不应用于“过度劝诱”女性去卖自己的卵子。
- The money , the isscr suggested , should not be enough to provide " undue inducement " for women to sell their eggs .
- 此外还要确认没有过度劝诱的发生,他们只联系已经决定卖卵子的女性(为了帮助其他女性繁衍)。
- And , to be sure there was no undue inducement , they approached only women who had already decided ( in order to help another woman 's fertility ) to sell an egg .
- 约翰斯霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院大卫兰普顿在一部即将出版的新书中认为国家运用三种手段来界定、实现它们的目标:高压政治、物质引诱或理性动机。
- In a forthcoming book about china , david lampton of the school of advanced international studies at johns hopkins university argues that nations define and achieve their goals using three means : coercion , material inducement or intellectual motivation .