- 如果这样你们还不听从我,为了你们的罪恶,我必要加重七倍惩罚你们。
- But if you will not yet for all this obey me : I will chastise you seven times more for your sins .
- 他们会认为他没有替别人著想,而且他们会计画晚一点要惩罚他.
- They would think him inconsiderate and they would plan to chastise him , later .
- 而且身子猛地向前一倾,随随便便地就用一只手背打我的嘴巴来惩罚我。
- And leaned forward promptly to chastise me with one of her casual , back-handed slaps on my mouth .
- 财政条约的核心是要把财政制度写入宪法,并且让欧盟机构惩处那些放肆挥霍的行为。
- The idea is to write fiscal discipline into national constitutions and harness the eu 's institutions to punish profligacy and excess .
- 或许选民将惩罚肮脏的政治家。
- Perhaps voters will punish dirty politicians .
- 主张严惩罪犯的一派包括大部分右翼媒体和大多的农村人口,他们希望严厉制裁暴乱者。
- The nasty camp , which includes most of the right-wing press and much of the country , wants to punish rioters severely .
- 该经纪人也因此被罚以3000元罚金,同时被纽约证交所停职20天。
- His punishment was a $ 3000 fine and suspension for 20 days from the new york stock exchange .
- 避免用做家务当作一种惩罚。
- Avoid using chores as a punishment .
- 这次对他的处罚更加严厉。
- This time his punishment was harsher .