- 今天给大家演示两款眼线的画法,魅惑眼妆轻松拥有。
- Demonstrate the brushwork of two looks line to everybody today , eye of evil spirit be puzzled makeup have easily .
- 他盘中的一个小圆圈让我困惑了一下,原来那是一个薄薄的萝卜圈,表面凹进去,里面装着一圈芝麻酱和一小片细叶芹的叶子。
- I puzzled over a tiny circle on don 's plate it turned out to be a thin , concave round of turnip encasing a dollop of tahini and a tiny chervil leaf .
- 只有一个正在看武侠的哥们一直端坐不动,那几个在外面纳闷的不行,过后问那哥们意志力怎么这么坚定,难道就没感觉吗?
- Only a brother that visitting a knight-errant sits up to be not moved all the time , those a few feel puzzled outside be no good , ask that brother psychokinesis afterwards how so sturdy , don 't have a feeling ?
- 但是当资产以原始价格定价,而不是以市值计价时,银行就会欺骗自己和投资者说最差的资产是黄金。
- Yet when assets were booked at their original price , rather than the market one , banks could delude themselves-and investors-that dross was gold .
- 然而,我在同许多冷静的欧洲官员和政客的交谈中得到的印象是,如果希腊想象,各方有关恢复增长的新呼吁,将使该国可以趁机放弃对财政廉洁和结构改革的承诺,那么它就是在自我欺骗。
- Yet my sense from many conversations with dispassionate european officials and politicians is that greece would delude itself were to it imagine that the new rhetoric of growth will allow it to put aside its commitments to fiscal rectitude and structural reform .
- 任何一方都不应迷惑他自己,认为增长的相互对立所带来的伤害是可以避免;双方都应认识到,一国的危机可以伤害到另一国。
- Neither side should delude itself that it can avoid the harm caused by an increased mutual antagonism ; both should understand that a crisis in one country can hurt the other .