- 如果你的宝宝在白天小睡连续超过3小时,唤醒他并给他喂奶。
- If your baby naps for over 3 consecutive hours during the day , awaken him for a feeding .
- 那个你同他在一起能够唤起你的幸福感你是谁、要成为谁的愉悦之情,就是那个值得你为之付出努力去找寻的对的人。
- The presence of someone that can awaken that feeling of being happy with who you are and happy with whom you are becoming is worth the all the effort of searching for the right person .
- 我们在这里所作的关于地形的描写和实际情况完全吻合,一定能在曾经住过这一带的人的心中唤起极精确的回忆。
- The state of the places of which we are here giving a description is rigorously exact , and will certainly awaken a very precise memory in the mind of old inhabitants of the quarter .
- 美国国会必须自我觉醒,提供包括临时性工资税削减和失业保险在内的短期财政支持,基础设施投资,通过税制改革和权利收回削减中期赤字的可靠计划。
- In america congress must rouse itself to provide both fiscal support in the short term-extending temporary payroll-tax cuts and unemployment insurance , and investment in infrastructure-and a credible plan to cut the deficit in the medium term through tax reform andtackling entitlements .
- 试图激起国际公愤的努力喜忧参半。
- Efforts to rouse international ire have had mixed success .
- 并不是要把我们从睡眠中唤醒,它现在的作用像是我们睡前喝的那一杯热牛奶。
- Far from trying to rouse us from slumber , its role is now to offer us a cup of warm milk before bed .
- 如果你的宝宝在白天小睡连续超过3小时,唤醒他并给他喂奶。
- If your baby naps for over 3 consecutive hours during the day , awaken him for a feeding .
- 那个你同他在一起能够唤起你的幸福感你是谁、要成为谁的愉悦之情,就是那个值得你为之付出努力去找寻的对的人。
- The presence of someone that can awaken that feeling of being happy with who you are and happy with whom you are becoming is worth the all the effort of searching for the right person .
- 我们在这里所作的关于地形的描写和实际情况完全吻合,一定能在曾经住过这一带的人的心中唤起极精确的回忆。
- The state of the places of which we are here giving a description is rigorously exact , and will certainly awaken a very precise memory in the mind of old inhabitants of the quarter .