- 但我们不应感到惊讶。
- But we should not be surprised .
- 但不是每个专家都惊讶。
- But not every expert was surprised .
- 我不能说自己对此很惊讶。
- I can 't say I 'm surprised .
- 你可能会惊讶很多人从未真正去听别人说的是什么。
- You 'd be amazed how much people never really hear each other at all .
- 我第一次走进戏棚时便惊异于它顶棚的高度。
- The first time I entered into it , I was amazed it had such high ceilings .
- 非常吃惊的发现门仍然牢牢的紧闭着。
- And was much amazed to find that the door remained fast shut .
- 就连对欧盟持最强烈批评态度的英国舆论也对事态的发展速度感到惊讶。
- Even the fiercest british critics of the eu are astonished by the speed at which things are moving .
- 我坚信当你落实到行动时,你会因为这条原理的巨大作用而感到惊讶。
- I think you 'll be astonished at how powerful this concept is when put into action .
- 我哥哥带我到一个古玩市场,看到那些东西后,我惊讶无比。
- My brother took me to an antique market and I was so astonished to see these objects .