- 但是缓和的气氛正在变味。
- But the conciliatory mood is souring .
- 现场的气氛显得越来越欢快。
- The mood turned visibly more festive .
- 华尔街的气氛则惨淡得多。
- The mood on wall street was more embattled .
- 只剩下充满无力感的人民。
- Citizens are thus left feeling impotent .
- 他的安全感开始动摇了。
- His feeling of security was shaken .
- 很多人存在焦虑和不安感。
- There is this anxiety or feeling of unrest .
- 到2011年年中,投资者情绪终于企稳。
- By mid-2011 sentiments finally stabilised .
- 如今,这些观点得到了整个亚洲的认同。
- These sentiments are now shared across asia .
- 这些情绪的一部分持续到今天。
- Some of those sentiments remain today .