- 他们的悲痛之源是谁?
- The source of their grief ?
- 她的悲痛早就无影无踪了。
- Her grief has long since disappeared .
- 她们恐惧悲痛,如癫似狂。
- They were frantic with fear and grief .
- 比利时人不需要过分悲伤。
- Belgians need not feel too sad .
- 你要走了,我很难过.
- Eg. I 'm sad you 're leaving .
- 那些是沮丧和难过的?
- Which are gloomy or sad ?
- 另外一个是金融行业的财政困境。
- The other is financial industry distress .
- 想必他个人主要的苦恼就是那一头稀疏的头发。
- His thinning scalp must be a source of considerable personal distress .
- 通货紧缩和金融困境遏制了增长。
- Deflation and financial distress stifled growth .