- 比利时人不需要过分悲伤。
- Belgians need not feel too sad .
- 你要走了,我很难过.
- Eg. I 'm sad you 're leaving .
- 那些是沮丧和难过的?
- Which are gloomy or sad ?
- 我又很伤心,因为我不再是最伟大的幻象师了。
- And I 'm sorrowful because I 'm no longer the greatest illusionist .
- 那道令人悲伤的历史大门应该关上。
- That sorrowful door to the past needs to be shut .
- 上帝与处在悲痛中的人同在。
- God is right there with the people who are grieving and sorrowful .
- 不理性的自责有幽黯的蓝色,如一首忧郁的诗。
- Irrational guilt burns a somber blue , like a melancholy poem .
- 同样渴望有人把法兰西从忧郁的政治空气中停滞不前的状态中解救出来。
- A similar yearning for somebody to rescue france from its melancholy hangs in the political air .
- 天气好的时候,在阳光下散步的时髦而真实的人们似乎远离了忧郁的魔咒。
- In fine weather , its funky concrete sun loungers seem a long way from melancholy charms .
- 他们的悲痛之源是谁?
- The source of their grief ?
- 她的悲痛早就无影无踪了。
- Her grief has long since disappeared .
- 她们恐惧悲痛,如癫似狂。
- They were frantic with fear and grief .
- 舞蹈表达了一种悲伤和孤独。
- The dance expressed sadness and loneliness .
- 悲伤有时候几乎令人无法忍受。
- Sometimes the sadness is almost unendurable .
- 小孩会觉得有种缺失的悲伤感。
- And a child experiences loss and sadness .
- 你想要获得知识以及别人的同情?
- You want knowledge and compassion ?
- 怜悯同样包括我们自己-我们不能让自己在这个过程中受伤。
- Compassion includes ourselves too we can 't let ourselves get hurt in the process .
- 我感不到哪怕一丝的怜悯,有的只是满腔的苦痛与愤怒。
- I felt not a shred of compassion ; just unadulterated pain and rage .