- 从销售额极高到销售的上升暂停可能就是一个警示信息。
- The sales suspension may have been a proxy message from higher up .
- 这辆车用的是lola的底盘,koni的悬挂系统和ap的刹车。
- The car rides on a lola chassis with koni suspension components and ap racing brakes .
- 但在这样一个模拟的3d环境中浏览,想要看清各种悬挂系统的结构却痛苦异常。
- Still , moving around this simulated 3d environment to get a closer look at the various suspension mechanisms is a pain .
- 周四,该组织暂停了日后的放映计划。
- By thursday , the group had suspended future showings .
- 目前不清楚暂停审批新的铁路项目是否意味着变更上述规划。
- It is unclear whether the suspended approvals for new lines will alter those plans .
- 瑞士信贷已暂停了许多与上述减记有牵连的交易员的职务。
- Credit suisse has suspended a number of traders in connection with the writedown .
- 他说,他尚且不清楚暂停施行这个条例会使小镇节约多少钱。
- He said it wasn 't clear how much money the town would save by suspending enforcement .
- 委员会说它将向成员国咨询暂停贸易优惠的事宜,该优惠于2005年实行。
- The commission said it would consult member states on suspending the trade benefit , granted in 2005 .
- 他会像他的竞争对手在2008年4月承诺的那样,考虑暂停征收每加仑18.4美分的燃油税么?
- Would he also consider suspending the 18.4 cents a gallon tax as his opponents promised in april 2008 ?