- 关于财政悬崖的讨论会得出什么结果?
- How will the fiscal cliff talks end ?
- 有没有沿着悬崖驾驶很有名的人呢?
- Has anyone famous ever driven off a cliff ?
- 法院怎么会走到悬崖边呢?
- How does a court go over the cliff ?
- 我们正站在悬崖边。
- We are standing at a precipice .
- 叙利亚动荡,或许将中东带到悬崖边缘。
- The unrest in syria brings the middle east perhaps to a precipice .
- 发达国家看起来不像是正立足于通货紧缩的悬崖边。
- The rich world does not seem to be on the precipice of deflation .
- 浮标41420,就在巴哈马断层上面,参与事件模式几天了。
- Buoy 41420 , just above the bahama escarpment , went into event mode for days .
- 身处于德拉肯斯堡公园,就好像是一个巨人城堡自然保护区,而这个说法得名于德拉肯斯堡公园的山峰和悬崖的轮廓酷似一个熟睡的巨人的侧面。
- Located within drakensberg park is the giant 's castle nature reserve , which gets its name from the silhouette of the peaks and escarpment that resemble the profile of a sleeping giant .
- 那峭壁的高度在今日还可凭借那两个并立在由热纳普到布鲁塞尔那条路两旁的大土坟的高度估量出来,路左是英军的坟场,路右是德军的坟场。
- The elevation of this escarpment can still be measured by the height of the two knolls of the two great sepulchres which enclose the road from genappe to brussels : one , the english tomb , is on the left ; the other , the german tomb , is on the right .
- 上述两大举措均表明,在市场虚张声势之际,欧洲决意在最后的较量中获胜。
- Both measures show europe determined to win the showdown when markets called its bluff .
- 核恐吓较量中任何事都有可能发生
- Anything could happen in this game of nuclear bluff
- 事实上,外交是不是虚张声势,外交是74岁的枢机主教的优势。
- Indeed , diplomacy is not the bluff , 74-year-old cardinal 's strong point .