- 你的婚姻可能有存在问题。
- Your marriage is in trouble .
- 极端主义者正在制造麻烦。
- Extremists are stirring up trouble .
- 而这正是问题的开始。
- And there the trouble started .
- 欧洲人正在极力避免灾难降临。
- People strive to avoid disaster .
- 因为这是一场生态灾难。
- This is an ecological disaster .
- 第三,越来越需要为灾害做准备。
- The third was the growing need to prepare for disaster .
- 我对这一切感到担心。
- I worry about all this .
- 现在我很少担心什么了。
- I hardly ever worry now .
- 欧洲有理由感到担忧。
- Europe has reason to worry .
- 我们会在自我经历危险时离弃它。
- We forsake it at our own peril .
- 许多美国人将贸易视作危险事物,而非机遇。
- Many americans view trade as a peril rather than an opportunity .
- 但是投资者在冒险中忽略了对失败价值的衡量。
- But investors ignore fair-value measures at their peril .