- 你最大的遗憾是什么?
- What is your greatest regret ?
- 您最大的遗憾是什么?
- What is your biggest regret ?
- 女病人也谈到这个遗憾。
- Women also spoke of this regret .
- 第二,你需要学会如何为罪行以外的事悔改。还有
- Secondly , you need to learn how to repent for something besides sins .
- 我们内心深处都有那种清教徒式的信仰,如果不让它们感觉到一些有益的痛苦的话它们是不会真正悔改的。
- Deep down we all have a puritan belief that unless they suffer a good dose of pain , they will not truly repent .
- 希望上帝给我们足够的恩典可以悔改并且接受在主耶稣基督里的赦免。
- May the lord give us all the grace to repent and receive the forgiveness that god offers in jesus christ .
- 在这份调查是在1997-98年进行的,在调查发表之后,英国政府对这些移民表示了“诚挚的歉意”。
- After an inquiry in 1997-98 , britain 's government expressed " sincere regrets " over the migrations .
- 这些扫描技术显示出大脑的不同区域与特定功能的联系,比如感觉,动作,性欲,选择,歉意,动力,甚至种族歧视。
- These scanning techniques have revealed which parts of the brain are associated with which functions . Examples include activity related to sensations , movement , libido , choices , regrets , motivations and even racism .
- 在那些早年岁月,据朋友们称,和白宫的同事们在一起的那些年,他时常会觉得抱歉和悔恨。
- In those early months , according to friends , he sometimes lapsed into apologies and regrets when he was around colleagues from the white house years .