- 因此这一事件就被悄然搁置了。
- The matter was quietly dropped .
- 该计划将悄悄废弃。
- It will be quietly discarded .
- 一些阿曼青年在悄悄的政治政治和社会问题的辩论。
- Some young omanis are quietly organising political and social debates .
- 在她抚摸自己的时候你甚至希望把自己的手轻柔的放在她的手上来学习那种力道。
- You might even want to place your hand softly over hers as she touches herself to learn the right pressure .
- 所以如果你需要拍摄将手放在臀部的照片,请确保手要温柔的放在臀部,手腕轻轻的弯折。
- So if you need to shoot hands on the hips , make sure the hands are softly placed on the hips and the wrists are slightly broken .
- 菲永如今处于两难境地:言行、思想传统、讲话轻柔的他已担任萨科奇政府的总理五年,但他给人的印象仍是试图成为萨科奇的强劲对手。
- Fillon 's situation is a paradox : discreet , traditional and softly spoken , he will have spent five years as sarkozy 's prime minister but still manages to come across as his nemesis .
- 很可惜他们没有创造纪录。
- Sadly this wasn 't a record .
- 可惜这已经看起来太乐观了。
- That sadly already looks too optimistic .
- 可惜的是,皮肤效果依旧无法实现。
- Sadly , skin is still beyond them .