- 炮声划破平静的夜空。
- Gunfire pierced the night quiet .
- 唯独女孩自己显得异常平静。
- But she is unusually quiet .
- 埃文利学校那天非常平静。
- Avonlea school was quiet that day .
- 它们无声地战胜了时代。
- Their silent triumphs over dates .
- 天然气的流动几乎是无声的。
- The flow of gas is virtually silent .
- 它带来了一场无声的革命。
- It has since brought about a silent revolution .
- 比利时人不需要过分悲伤。
- Belgians need not feel too sad .
- 你要走了,我很难过.
- Eg. I 'm sad you 're leaving .
- 那些是沮丧和难过的?
- Which are gloomy or sad ?
- 他们不必有此忧虑。
- They need not have worried .
- 如今,基辛格感到很忧虑。
- Today mr kissinger is worried .
- 担心黄金价格已达到顶点?
- Worried gold has topped out ?
- 虚证便秘患者肛管直肠压力测定及益气润肠液对其影响。
- Effect of reinforcing qi and moistening intestine oral liquid on anorectal manometry of asthenia type constipation patients .
- 孕妈咪吃还可以益气、助消化及促进胎宝宝大脑健康发育。
- Bulletin boards can also eat qi , aid digestion and promote the healthy development of your baby brain .
- 我对齐白石的画很着迷,这幅可爱的小虾图就是他绘画中一个可爱的典范。
- I 'm crazy about the paintings of qi baishi , and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work .
- 小侯在医院输血后,不幸感染了艾滋病毒。
- Xiao Hou was stricken by AIDS when he had blood transfusion in the hospital .
- 在3年的诉讼战后,肖辉本周五被引渡至澳大利亚。
- After a three-year legal battle , Mr Xiao was extradited to Australia on Friday .
- 麦德森先生:哦,啸,这是不是意味着某种暗示呢?。
- Mr.Madsen : Oh.Is that supposed to be some sort of a hint , Xiao ?