- 但最新爆发的恶感可能损害两国间欣欣向荣的经贸往来。
- But the latest outburst of ill feeling threatens to undermine their flourishing economic ties .
- 他提到该项合同悬系的“数千份就业机会”以及“我们同一个主要的伙伴兼盟友之间的不友好情绪(illfeeling)”。
- The prime minister spoke of the " thousands of jobs " that hung on the contracts as well as of " ill feeling between us and a key partner and ally " .
- 但最新爆发的恶感可能损害两国间欣欣向荣的经贸往来。
- But the latest outburst of ill feeling threatens to undermine their flourishing economic ties .
- 研究结果的其他应用包括目击者的回忆:例如根据研究显示,一个暴力犯罪的目击者可能会由于对行凶者的怨恨,影响到对行凶者面部表情的描述。
- Other applications of the findings include eyewitness memory : a witness to a violent crime , for example , may attribute malice to a perpetrator an impression which , according to the researchers , will influence memory for the perpetrator 's face and emotional expression .
- 但是当保罗说到主亲自告诉保罗,“你去吧!我要差你远远地往外邦人那里去”(使徒行传22:21),这群乌合之众的怨恨非要致保罗于死地才满意。
- But when paul says that the lord himself told paul , " go ; I will send you far away to the gentiles " ( acts 22:21 ) , the unleashed malice of the mob will be satisfied with nothing less than his death .
- 然后他开始抱怨保加利亚人充满怀疑、恶意。
- He went on to complain that bulgarians were full of doubt and malice .