- 他是个狡诈的老流氓。
- He 's a canny old rascal .
- 也正是在这一阶段我的莽撞无赖的倾向发挥到极致。
- It was at this stage that my foolish rascal tendencies were at their highest .
- 我宁可丢掉工作也不愿为一个流氓干活。
- I 'd rather give up the job than work for that rascal .
- 爱国主义远非“歹徒最后的避难所”,而是必不可少的。
- Patriotism , far from being " the last refuge of the scoundrel , " is indispensable .
- 说得不客气一点,他是个彻头彻尾的无赖。
- He is not to put too fine a point on it , a thorough scoundrel .
- 伟大的英国作家塞缪尔约翰逊曾调侃说“爱国主义是恶棍最后的托词”。
- Samuel johnson the great english author once quipped that " patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel . "