- 然后,曝出了另一所学校的校园枪击事件新闻,粉碎了康涅狄格州一个明媚早晨的平静与安宁。
- Then the news broke of another school shooting that shattered peace and tranquility on a sunny morning in connecticut .
- 当贸易对抗还悬而未决时,我们应该感谢世贸组织,正是世贸组织提供裁决争议的体系来帮助维持世界贸易的相对稳定和安宁。
- When rumblings of trade confrontations are in the air , thanks should be given to the wto , which helps maintain relative stability and tranquility in global trade by providing a system for adjudicating quarrels .
- 在匆忙拼凑的爱尔兰救助方案遭遇负面反应后,已经无法判断恢复欧元区的平静究竟要花多少钱了。
- After the negative response to ireland 's hastily cobbled together bailout package , it is impossible to judge just what sum might be required to restore tranquility to the euro zone .