- 郭台铭展示了他极端严厉和仁慈的个性。
- Gou exhibits severity and kindness in the extreme .
- 我感到惭愧的是对他的好意我从未表示过感谢。
- Eg. to my shame I never thanked him for his kindness .
- 感谢有这么多东西,可这太多的好意让我们无力承接。
- Thanks do much , but all this excess of kindness could kill us .
- 如果它的优雅是突然的,它并不总是即刻的。
- And if its grace is sudden , it is not always immediate .
- 我们可以仍在罪中,叫恩典显多吗?
- Continue in sin that grace may abound ?
- 基督信仰和上帝的恩典是紧密相连的。
- Christianity and the grace of god go hand in hand .
- 当有人对你并不友善,试着回以亲切。
- When someone is unkind to you , try responding with gentleness .
- 很长的一段时间,我认为同情是温和的,和蔼的,就跟彬彬有礼一样。
- For a long time , I thought of compassion as softness , as kindness , and as gentleness .
- 它贬低和轻视了照顾质量,例如耐心和善。
- It denigrates and belittles the qualities needed to care , such as patience and gentleness .