- 这是让经济学家感到遗憾的又一个理由。
- This is one more reason to pity economists .
- 生活是很短暂的,不要老是怜悯。
- Life is too short for long pity parties .
- 因失败而感受到的震骇和怜悯仍然能引起共鸣。
- The shock and pity of failure still resonates .
- 我感受到你的心我也体谅。
- I can feel your heart and I sympathize .
- 对于我的急切心情,他既无法理解也不能体谅。
- He could neither understand nor sympathize with my eagerness .
- 他的父母不赞同他做演员的志愿。
- His parents do not sympathize with his ambition to be an actor .
- 早期胸腺祖细胞同时保留成为t细胞或髓细胞能力。
- Etp cells retained the ability to become either t cells or myeloid cells .
- 辅助性t细胞识别经过处理的抗原并激活体液免疫反应。
- Helper t cells recognize processed antigen and activate the humoral immune response .
- 因此,淋巴器官中同时存在b淋巴细胞和t淋巴细胞。
- Thus , lymphoid organs have populations of both b and t lymphocytes .