- 我们没有理由袖手傍观。
- There 's no excuse for inaction .
- 而今我们不应该有任何理由。
- Today we have no such excuse .
- 然而这一理由仍然有效吗?
- But does that excuse still hold ?
- 我们可以学会宽恕吗?
- Can we learn to forgive ?
- 宽恕他人并宽恕你自己。
- Forgive others and forgive yourself .
- 这次他们不会原谅他了。
- They will not forgive him .
- 原谅我,干燥的沙漠,原谅我一勺水也不能马上给你带去。
- Pardon me , deserts , that I don 't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water .
- 因为那个原因,库克,你能原谅这个表达,是一个杰出的执行主管。
- And for that course , cook is , you will pardon the expression , an executive chef extraordinaire .
- 能够原谅曾经伤害过我们的人,会明显有益心理健康。
- There are clear mental health benefits that come with the ability to pardon those who have hurt us .
- 让您满意,是我们庄严的承诺!
- Let your satisfaction is our solemn commitment !
- 它会妨碍到身体的整体庄严。
- It disturbs the body 's solemn unity .
- 其一,目前美国将其最严肃的金融义务视为灵活的承诺。
- One is that america now regards its most solemn financial obligations as flexible commitments .
- 他给了老石生存的希望和珍贵的友谊(尽管还款计划的细节仍旧不明朗),老石也找到了一条重新生活下去的道路。
- He 'd given mr. shi hope and friendship ( though details of the repayment plan were murky ) , and mr. shi had found a way to begin life anew .
- 石先生于2004年年末被捕,去年四月被判十年徒刑,罪名是“用电子邮件泄露机密”。
- Mr shi was arrested in late 2004 and sentenced last april to ten years in prison on charges of revealing secrets by e-mail .
- 尽管有困难,史呼吁家长尽量保持同他们孩子的联系。
- Despite the hardships , shi urges parents to try to keep their children with them .