- 两种恐慌相互交织。
- Each panic reinforces the other .
- 在狂喜或是恐慌的时期,很少有人能洁身自好。
- Few remain detached in a period of euphoria , or of panic .
- 在可预见的未来,欧洲央行是唯一能够快速平息市场恐慌的机构。
- For the foreseeable future , the ecb is the only institution that can staunch market panic quickly .
- 让自己体会为什么恐慌。
- Let yourself feel the scare .
- 我们可以用妇产科医学生理现象失调为借口来吓唬老板。
- We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses .
- 英国的农场主也在2001年口蹄疫恐慌之后减少了养殖量。
- British farmers have also cut back on sheep production since the 2001 hoof-and-mouth scare .
- 但是恐惧不能杀死任何生物。
- But fright cannot kill anything .
- 必须承认,核能源有一个恐惧因素。
- Admittedly , there 's a fright factor with nuclear power .
- 渐渐地我的心脏因为没来由的恐惧开始狂跳不止。
- Slowly but surely my heart began to beat faster with an unreasonable fright .
- 大部分男生都怵,他们甚至不愿意为怎样试图吻到女孩而烦心!
- Most men are so scared , they won 't even bother trying to a kiss a girl !
- 感到恐慌员工不会和你患难与共。
- Scared employees don 't take risks .
- 其他的政治家承认他们感到十分恐惧。
- Other politicians admit that they are scared .