- 自筹资金,加大管网改造力度;通过市场化运作和采取多种措施加强管网的检测与维护,是邯郸水司加快供水管网改造的主要方法。
- Funds raised by oneself , add bassoon net to transform strength to ; is run through commercializing and adopt a variety of measure to strengthen those who manage a network to detect with safeguard , it is the main method that department of han dan water accelerates feed pipe net to transform .
- 自筹资金,加大管网改造力度;通过市场化运作和采取多种措施加强管网的检测与维护,是邯郸水司加快供水管网改造的主要方法。
- Funds raised by oneself , add bassoon net to transform strength to ; is run through commercializing and adopt a variety of measure to strengthen those who manage a network to detect with safeguard , it is the main method that department of han dan water accelerates feed pipe net to transform .
- 但英国石油公司初步调查的结论却是,主管道上的测量表确实显示存在压力。
- But gauges on the main pipe did show pressure , according to bp 's preliminary investigation .
- 最常见职务头衔或职能:活动经理
- Most common job title and / or function : event manager
- 最常见职务头衔或职能:餐厅经理
- Most common job title and / or function : restaurant manager
- 其实,我们从来不建议,经理人要“有政治意识”,或者要“玩政治”。
- We never tell any manager to " be political " or to " play politics . "
- 路易威登已经经营了一个惊人的历时3个世纪的商业,并将会继续站在手提包业界的前列。
- Louis vuitton has been in business for an amazing 3 centuries and continues to be fore front in the hand bag industry .
- 但是伴随着生育率的下降,其他方面的解释也开始逐步显现。
- As fertility has begun to fall , though , other explanations have come to the fore .
- 但是另一方面,随着越来越多的实际问题悬而未决并且开始浮出水面,我也越来越确信社会心理学会有一番大作为。
- But those other , more applied questions have continued to rattle around and recently come to the fore , the more I realized how much social psychology has to offer .