- 无论何时用生物学解释行为,社会达尔文主义和优生学的幽灵就会在这种背景下浮出水面。
- Whenever biology meets behaviour the spectre of social darwinism and eugenics looms menacingly in the background .
- 一个幽灵或一个鬼怪,是我们的过去某些已经失败的东西的暗示。
- A spectre or an apparition is a present reminder that something has gone awry in our past .
- 马尔萨斯关于全球食品短缺的幽灵追随着世界经济的发展,这在现代经济史上不是第一次。
- This is not the first time in modern economic history that the malthusian spectre of global food shortages has stalked the world economy .
- 你们想袭击一个wraith实验室?
- You want to hit a wraith lab ?
- 这是必然的,以惊人的程度,在几秒钟之内但wraith不会这样说。
- It inevitably does - to an astonishing degree and in a matter of seconds - but wraith wouldn 't say so .
- 对于几秒钟就速成的素描或绘画,偶尔我会戏弄wraith说:“这看上去还像我吗?”
- I tease wraith by occasionally asking , " does it look like me yet ? " A few minutes into a new sketch or painting .