- 驾驶舱内quaritch渐渐地不耐烦了。
- In the cockpit quaritch grows impatient .
- 一天,怀特小姐急躁的声音打破了他的白日梦。
- One day , miss white 's impatient voice broke into his daydreams .
- 他对冷静的、学究式的思考不耐烦。
- He is impatient of cool , intellectual considerations .
- 霍尼韦尔国际喜欢会议过程简短但内容详实。
- Honeywell likes its meetings short but plentiful .
- 市场的记忆是短暂的。
- Memories are short in markets .
- 奥巴马从政经历较短。
- His political resume is short .
- 这是环境顺利时小资产阶级的革命狂热和革命急性病的表现;环境困难时,则依照情况的变化以次变为拚命主义、保守主义和逃跑主义。
- Under favourable circumstances this subjectivism manifested itself in petty-bourgeois revolutionary fanaticism and impetuosity , but in times of adversity , as the situation worsened , it changed successively into desperate recklessness , conservatism and flightism .
- 清醒的理智战胜了盲目冲动的急躁情绪。
- Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity .
- 甚至他那些好品性,如待人亲切和办事有魄力都对他不利。
- Even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him .