- 兄弟四人靠着抚恤金过日子,四个人都不会过日子,每天下馆子吃饭,驰大妈让马学武放弃学业到工厂工作。
- Brother four people , four people living by pension will live and everyday restaurant to gallop aunt let maxuewu quit school to work in factories .
- 他骑着马飞奔而去。
- He rode off at a gallop .
- 驰骋在竞争激烈的时代。
- Gallop in the fierce times competing .
- 基廷先生身着企业休闲装,充当着cd生产能手的角色,就好比是微软版的天龙特工队。
- Mr. keating serves as the cd manufacturing whiz on what amounts to microsoft 's version of the a-team , clad in business-casual attire .
- 或许你是一个社会媒体的奇才,或许你拥有一个花里胡哨的邮件签名,但是不要以为仅仅有时在网上跟人互动得很专业就可以高枕无忧了。
- Maybe you 're a whiz at social media , and maybe you 've got a fancy email signature , but sometimes being able to interact professionally with people online just doesn 't cut it .
- 在人行道上呼啸而过的摩托车也比平时更少。
- Fewer motorbikes than usual whiz along the pavements .
- 克里斯汀娜拉加德或许在竞逐国际货币基金组织领导位置的赛跑中领先了几个赛段。
- Christine lagarde may be ahead by several lengths in the race to lead the imf .
- 而为了准备套袋赛跑,香港选手会把自己套在空米袋里到处蹦。
- To prepare for the sack race , santas jump around in empty rice bags .
- 我们聊了聊这次比赛。
- We chatted about the race .