- 曾经的共和党激进分子考虑的越多,他们越不可能冲进投票站去谴责共和党。
- And the more used democratic activists feel , the less likely they are to rush to the polls to castigate the republicans .
- 书记员解释说,他必须一路小跑着把咖啡趁热送到,这让他在路上洒了不少。
- The clerk explained that he had to rush to get the coffee delivered while it was still hot , which caused him to spill much of it along the way .
- 当血管被低密度脂蛋白这种不健康的胆固醇包围时,免疫系统的白血球会冲向动脉,在动脉壁上潜伏下来,吃掉前来侵略的胆固醇,这一过程会导致动脉血管受损,引发心脏病或者中风。
- The immune system 's white blood cells rush to the arteries when the blood vessels are besieged by low density lipoprotein , or ldl -- the ' bad ' cholesterol . The cells embed themselves in the artery wall and gobble up the invading cholesterol , causing damage to the arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke .