- 那一定是很吓人看到一个巨大的男孩皱着眉头在你失望。
- It must have been pretty intimidating to see a giant boy scowling down at you .
- 哈伊马角距安娜反击,看到船长站在那里皱眉。
- Rak shot back away from anna , seeing the captain standing there scowling .
- 我坐起来很慢,在凯勒谁仍然皱着眉头趴在地板上。
- I sat up slowly , scowling at keller who was still sprawled on the floor .
- 愁眉苦脸只会把人推开,而微笑却把人吸引过来。
- Frowns , scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in .
- 面部的变化,如笑、皱眉、发怒,能迅速地提供更多的信息,由此我们能很明显的了解人们当时的心情、意图。
- Providing more immediate information are the changes in a person 's face , such as smiles , frowns or scowls . These changes provide us with the most obvious information about someone 's mood or immediate intentions .