- 在胡同文化生活周期的迂回中,一些通常被认为是不时尚的,过度拥挤的,古老的庭院房在近几年里成为房地产业象征。
- In one more twist in the lifecycle of the hutong neighborhoods , some of beijing 's old courtyard homes-the same structures once considered unfashionable and overcrowded-have in recent years become real-estate status symbols .
- 几个世纪以来,胡同是这个城市的文化特点;即使现在的巷子是以前的1/8还少,在这些整齐的格子里的当地居民仍然坚持说东南西北,而不是左右。
- For centuries the hutong characterized the city 's culture ; the capital 's rigid grid still has locals saying turn north , south , east , and west instead of left and right , even though today fewer than one-eighth of the lanes remain .
- 因此,很多以前住在胡同里的人搬到了郊区。
- As a result , most former hutong owners move to the suburbs .