- 我没有想过自己要离开这个别墅,但是在我迈步走出大门口时,却觉得脚步轻快,而且也满心欢喜.
- I had not thought of my leaving the villa , but my steps , out of the entranceway , felt lighter and full of joy .
- 我们到卢卡去装油,到里窝那却装英国棉花,我们顺利地卸了货,分了红利,然后高高兴兴地回家了。
- We had been to lucca to take in oil , to leghorn for english cottons , and we ran our cargo without opposition , and returned home full of joy .
- 太阳升起来,万物苏醒了,公鸡打鸣时,我的一天开始了,我满怀喜悦投入工作,像个小男孩一样精力充沛。
- The sun rises , the day awakes , I hear the rooster and start my day , I go to work full of joy , with lots of energy like a boy .