- 协同过滤能建立极大的忠诚和兴趣。
- Collaborative filtering builds tremendous loyalty and interest .
- 当然,这笔资金也可以给为国家忠心工作的政党和总统带来一大笔油水。
- Or it could provide a lucrative way to reward loyalty to party and president .
- 关于忠诚的指控从来没有完全解决。
- The loyalty allegations have never been fully resolved .
- 更好的是,神已经应许在永恒里因你的忠心而赏赐你。
- Even better , god has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity .
- 我不祈求成功,我祈求忠诚。
- I do not pray for success , I ask for faithfulness .
- 对于我来说,留着旧款设备不是因为它们有多好看,而是事关忠诚,我不想弃置与我一同成长起来的东西。
- For me , keeping the old model is not about the look , but about faithfulness and not wanting to discard something you 've grown close to .
- 她警告普特南说,她不能保证对他的忠诚,她的威胁似乎是对的。
- She warned putnam that she was incapable of fidelity and she apparently made good on her threat .
- 当然,重新整合的理论对记忆的保真度提出了诸多问题。
- Of course , reconsolidation theory poses problems for the fidelity of memory .
- 那时声音的保真度和电影一样好(或差),但要把人的声音和屏幕上人的嘴唇对上几乎是一件不可能的事。
- The fidelity was as good ( or bad ) as the phonographs of those days , but it was nearly impossible to synchronize the sound of the human voice with moving lips on the screen .