- 盖特纳和他的竞争对手专攻有关杀戮、忏悔、伟大的战役、狂野的自然以及可怕事故的生动故事。
- Catnach and his competitors specialised in vivid tales of killings , confessions , great battles , freaks of nature and terrible accidents .
- 其中一些人在招供后已被释放,其他人仍然在押,或干脆消失了,下落不明。
- Some have since been released after signing confessions while others remain in custody or have disappeared , their fate unknown
- 林伟对审判的公正性提出质疑,他说两位被告当庭认罪令人怀疑,他们可能受到逼供。
- Mr. bequelin questioned the fairness of the trial , saying the guilty pleas raised the specter confessions were coerced .