- 目的研究分子吸附再循环系统(mars)对冠心病并发重度脓毒症患者心率和动脉压的影响。
- Objective : to study the effect of the molecular adsorbent recirculation system ( mars ) on heart rate and arterial pressure in patients of coronary heart disease complating with severe sepsis .
- 彩超以发现妊囊穿壁血流或彩色心管闪动,且多普勒频谱为原始心管搏动的胎心率和缺乏舒张期血流的特征为诊断标准。
- The diagnoses criterion for color doppler untrasonography were by blood fluid through gestational sac with a doppler records of original fetal heart rate and lack of blood fluid in the diastole period of heart .
- 它通过测算胎儿心音来帮助确定母体中胎儿的胎心率、胎龄和胎儿位置。
- It measures fetal heart sounds to help establish the heart rate , age and position of the fetus in the mother .
- 此类人力资源软件的普及率只有30%,也就是说新用户的潜力足够大。
- Penetration for such hr offerings is only 30 % , which means plenty of potential new customers . "
- 问题是,HR部门属于哪一方?
- The question is , to which party does the hr function belong ?
- 梅耶尔和雷瑟尔都不愿谈及人事政策或由此引发的争议。
- Neither mayer nor reses are willing to talk about the hr policy or the controversy it has ignited .