- 泛舟游览港口及附近水道的设施,欣赏沿岸的壮丽风景。
- Boats tour the extensive harbour facilities and the magnificent scenery of nearby waterways .
- 官方历史将孟买的崛起归因于其天然港口的地理优势和纺织业。
- The official history of mumbai attributes the city 's rise to its natural harbour and textile industry .
- 第一,有些企业是因为对自然资源的依赖性,比如煤田或者港口。
- First , some may depend on natural resources , such as a coalfield or a harbour .
- 欢迎和招待每一位客人!
- Welcome and entertain them all !
- 许多报纸的存在是为了娱乐。
- Many newspapers exist to entertain .
- 经纪商曾说,他们需要用较长的午休时间来招待客户。
- They have argued they need long lunch breaks to entertain clients .
- 因为这里没有什么东西让我们珍惜不幸福的情侣。
- Because there is nothing here that invites us to cherish unhappy lovers .
- 为了所珍视的权力与价值而产生的冲突,我着迷不已。
- I am haunted by the conflict of rights and of values I cherish .
- 但事实表明,我来此的目的是珍视日本的礼貌和无私。
- But the truth is that I came to cherish japan 's civility and selflessness .