- 他也是德川幕府的剑术指导。
- He was also a sword instructor to the tokugawa shogunate .
- 德川幕府不甘示弱,随后命令有官方背景的富商屋嘉兵卫到择捉岛开辟17处渔场,派幕府官吏常驻该岛,建立行政组织。
- Tokugawa shogunate to be outdone , then ordered an official background to the wealthy estates ka samurai opening 17 etorofu island fishing grounds , sending the island resident shogunate officials , the establishment of administrative organizations .
- 由于德川幕府是如此专横地要隔绝外界的一切进入,不只外国水手不能上岸,日本水手也不能离国。
- So tyrannically did the tokugawa shogunate wish to deny its subjects outside knowledge that it was not just foreign sailors on the coast who risked punishment . Japanese sailors were not allowed to leave the country .