- 有一种更加微妙的方法可以衡量全球市场一体化的程度。
- There is a more subtle way of measuring the integration of global markets .
- 而我们则可以用面部动作来表达信息和进行微妙的交流。
- Whereas we can move our faces expressively and pick up on subtle communications .
- 有时候,腐败是微妙的,有时则很明显的。
- Sometimes the corruption is subtle ; sometimes it is blatant .
- 这有时很复杂微妙。
- This has sometimes proved tricky .
- 萧条正巧又在一个微妙的时间来临。
- The recession has come at a tricky time .
- 两方为敌时,这么做有些微妙。
- That is tricky when they are the enemy .
- 邪恶、狡猾、虚伪!
- Wicked , tricksy , false !
- 卡伊尔的小说勾起了外来者在混乱大都市中黑暗而狡猾的一面。
- Mr khair evokes the dark and tricksy world of a foreigner in a promiscuous city .
- 如果狡猾的奥巴马先生,凭着现任总统的优势带着一脑子关于巴基斯坦和其它充满陷阱的议题的艰深知识,绕着这位舌头打结的德克萨斯老兄打圈怎么办?
- What if the slippery mr obama , his head brimming with arcane incumbent 's knowledge about pakistan and other tricksy stuff , runs circles around the tongue-tied texan ?